A song of ice and fire fanfic
A song of ice and fire fanfic

Nobody is overly fond of representatives of their old, high handed landlords, after all. isn't that friendly to many aspects of it, currently. However, it's likely the drift from Valyrian culture itself is still roughly the same, as Essos. The odds are good that they gradually became more Essosi the longer they've lived away from Westeros. It's wise to expect that some Culture Clash even with House Targaryen will have arisen as a result - beyond the whole Bonnie Prince Charlie thing the whole House has.

  • The Exile: The surviving sons of Daemon fled across the narrow sea, under the protection of Bittersteel.
  • "Darkness von Gothick" Name: The House has a tendency to go for these when it comes to their boys.
  • Their reverse-coloured shield only emphasizes this.
  • Create Your Own Villain: How they came to be when the various sides of the Targaryens turned on each other to form the split.
  • The treacherous brothers that bit the hand that fed and were punished to err the earth without finding either a true home or solace in their trek.
  • Cain and Abel: The Cains to the Targaryen's Abels.
  • The War of the Ninepenny Kings (the fifth rebellion), didn't even take place in Westeros.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Each Blackfyre Rebellion is less successful than the previous one.
  • Unless you consider them all villains (like most loyal to House Targaryen would). Some will, naturally, be more heroic than others. they have presumably mixed it up slightly more than the other branch have, by dint of not being able to adhere to dynastic incest (brother-sister, uncle-niece, etc.) quite so much care of losing the male line by dribs and drabs and then entirely (well, kind of: what we know of the first couple of generations, they arguably stuck to the old "keep it in the family" rules slightly more than the Targaryen side at that point were, but they would have been greatly pushed to maintain that as time went on). On the one hand, they do have the blood of kings and queens in their veins (and all that means with it coming from House Targaryen).
  • Bastard Bastard: Depending on your point of view, you could see all of them as one (or, possibly, even both) of this or Heroic Bastard.
  • His sustained Battle of Wits and willingness to discard almost every Westerosi taboo and pay the price for doing so all to break them over decades turned them from a viable threat to very close to extinct. In reality, however, Brynden Rivers was more this to them than they were to it.
  • Arch-Enemy: They fancied themselves this to House Targaryen.
  • Annoying Arrows: Averted - arrows seem to be the bane of Blackfyres, with Daemon and his twin sons Aegon and Aemon all dying from them at the Battle of the Redgrass Field.
  • It's not known what became of the keep and lands awarded to them. The revolt ended at the Battle of the Redgrass Field, where Daemon and his two eldest sons were cut down and his remaining children were forced to flee to Essos under the protection of Bittersteel. All of Westeros was drawn into the Blackfyre Rebellion, dividing many regions against each other. In what turned to be an ironic twist of fate, House Blackfyre was established as a noble house by the grace of King Daeron II, Aegon IV's son and successor (and the very king they rebelled against), who fulfilling his father's deathbed wishes for his bastard son and Daeron's half-brother, paid for Daemon's wedding to Rohanne of Tyrosh and gave them a tract of land in Westeros to build a keep for themselves, in which they lived for 12 years before the rebellion and established a rather large family.īeing subject to the advice of Bittersteel (another of King Aegon's Great Bastards) and Quentyn Ball (the Master at Arms to the Red Keep), and supposedly resentful of his bastardy, Daemon rose in rebellion in 196 AC by claiming the Iron Throne on the basis that he was his father's favorite son, despite his bastard status, and on the rumor that King Daeron was really the son of Aemon the Dragonknight. A cadet branch of House Targaryen, founded by Daemon Blackfyre, the legitimized bastard son of King Aegon IV Targaryen by his cousin Daena Targaryen.

    A song of ice and fire fanfic